Did you know? You don’t need a referral to call us.
Are you a medical professional and would like to refer a patient? Here’s what you can expect:
When you refer patients to EagleEye, you can be sure they will receive excellent, personalized care.
Once an evaluation is complete and during any necessary treatment, we will provide reports and updates on your patient’s progress.
As we are a specialty practice, we encourage our patients to continue to see their current optometrist or ophthalmologist for their primary eye care. Including annual eye exams and urgent care visits.
Dr. Neil Renaud and Dr. Claire Michel are board certified and trained in pediatric and adult eye care, binocular vision, traumatic brain injury visual rehabilitation.

Phone Consultation
Do you have questions about a patient you are considering referring? Give us a call and we’ll be happy to discuss: (616)848.7548.
Electronic Referral
Have a referral form ready to send to us? You may email it to info@eagleeyvisiontherapy.com, fax it to (616)848.7558, or use the button below.
Referral Forms or Brochures
Would you like to have business cards or brochures about vision therapy on hand? Please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll get them to you!

Ready to make a referral?
We look forward to partnering with you!