Oculomotor Dysfunction is a common vision problem that occurs in both children and adults. One can have difficulty making accurate eye movements that can affect reading, sports, balance and depth perception as well as most visually related tasks.
A proud parent of one of our newly graduated Eaglets shares about their journey through vision therapy. Hear about the struggles they experienced before beginning the program and what life looks like now after putting in all of the hard work.
Some of the changes they have experienced include:
- schoolwork takes less time
- increased confidence
- easier to sustain attention
- reduced carsickness
- well-deserved pride and a sense of accomplishment!
Join us as we chat with one of our extraordinary patients, Claudia. Hear about what brought her to vision therapy and some of the benefits she has experienced three months into treatment.
Ashton recently graduated from our Vision Therapy program!
We are very proud of his hard work and his improvements. Jessica, Ashton's mom has some encouraging thoughts for any parents considering Vision Therapy for their child.
"100% do it. You will never regret your decision."
It’s hard to top the feeling of when a patient graduates vision therapy. Seeing the graduate’s confidence soar and the pure relief and tears in their parent's eyes, is why we do what we do. Listen to Sam’s mom tell us about the signs she was noticing and how vision therapy changed her son’s life. If you’re trying to put the pieces together like Sam’s mom, or if educators and doctors recommend getting your child tested for ADD, ADHD and dyslexia, we encourage you to watch Sam’s story and check out our next workshop.
Have you or someone you know always wondered if there was any way to make your vision better? Maybe you have a lazy eye or eye turn, and cannot see depth perception? Ray recently finished Vision Therapy, and was able to improve his vision enough to see in 3-D for the first time! His determination was inspiring, and may help you find the right treatment to achieve your visual goals. Talk to us or your optometrist to see if you are a good fit for Vision Therapy!
Charlotte came to EagleEye Performance Vision having difficulty learning how to read. She found out her vision was making learning harder for her. Watch Charlotte's journey through vision therapy, and how she emerged as a reader!
Join us in this amazing story of Ella's successful journey through vision therapy. She worked so hard to improve the way her eyes worked together, which helped her thrive in sports and enjoy reading. It was a joy to see Ella grow in confidence and determination. Her mother Tiffany was happy to share her daughter's story in hopes that it helps another child find out vision is a problem and has a solution to unlock their potential!
Lesley is a Vision Therapy Parent and she shares her story of the positive impact EagleEye Performance Vision has had on her son, Malachi.
Malachi came in with an assortment of learning-related vision problems but recently graduated from his Vision Therapy program with flying colors.
His new visual skills have made a positive impact on Malachi’s enjoyment of reading and school.
“I am certain with everything in me, that it (Vision Therapy) completely changed the trajectory of his life…”
So many of the common signs and symptoms of Dyslexia are often shared with visual dysfunctions, leading to school-aged children often being mislabeled as dyslexic! Or for those who truly have dyslexia, they often have vision problems that make it even harder to overcome their reading disability.
In this video, Dr. Neil walks through how vision affects those with dyslexia, and how treating the visual aspects can make the other symptoms much more manageable.
Vision Therapy can help develop visual skills essential for reading, and up-close work, oftentimes eliminating the need for attention correcting medication in children or adults with ADD/ADHD.
In this video, Dr. Neil breaks down the idea that some symptoms of ADD/ADHD could actually be undiagnosed Learning Related Vision Problems.
Vision should be effortless. If you have been negatively impacted by Post Concussion Syndrome, and find difficulty in mundane tasks like driving, grocery shopping, or reading, Vision Therapy may provide you with solutions.
In this video, Dr. Neil describes different ways a brain injury can impair your vision and how Vision Therapy can get you back to as close to normal as possible through therapeutic lenses, VT activities, and lifestyle modifications.
One eye on target, the other deviated away - This is referred to as Strabismus.
Strabismus is a large umbrella of several types of "eye turns."
When one eye is not on-target, one can struggle with poor depth perception, double vision, and the risk of developing Amblyopia (reduced vision), among others.
Watch as Dr. Neil breaks down how Vision Therapy can be a huge tool to those who want to treat their Strabismus as an alternative to corrective surgery and learn to use both eyes together.
Amblyopia is more than an eye condition; it is a neurological condition that shows up in the eyes. 👀
The brain struggles to use both eyes as a team, but through Vision Therapy and therapeutic lenses or contacts, we can train the brain to use both eyes together.
Some people wear an eye patch to improve amblyopia. Patching has been around for 1100 years - we can do so much better than that now!
If you or your child have recently been diagnosed with Amblyopia, or you have lived with this your whole life and want some answers...this video is a great place to start your research!
About 2-3 students in every classroom have a visual dysfunction called Convergence Insufficiency!
This means they have trouble making their eyes turn inwards on a page and move together as a team. Convergence Insufficiency can make daily tasks like reading and homework very difficult, leading to frustration and avoidance in school-aged children📚
Reading may even hurt, causing headaches, eyestrain, and visual fatigue. Do you know a child who might be struggling with this issue?
A Learning Related Vision Problem might be the reason your child is behind in school. Watch to learn more!
The American Optometric Association reports 1 in 4 students suffer from learning-related vision problems. Dr. Neil breaks-down the concept of Learning Related Vision Problems, one of the most common visual dysfunctions we treat at EagleEye!
80% of what we learn in school comes through our visual sense - more than all other senses combined!
When you have an “L.R.V.P.” the demands of our very up-close world become even more difficult. Watch to see how LRVPs can be treated through Vision Therapy.
Relaxing and resting your eyes is of the utmost importance!
Especially now with the visual demands of the modern classroom and workplace. Dr. Neil has a helpful trick that can help with eye fatigue, dry eyes, and even slow down the progression of a nearsighted prescription.
Watch to learn more!
In the second video in our new series "How It Works" Dr. Neil walks us through the function and role of different components of our eyes! This week's topic is Rods & Cones! Learn the role your Rods & Cones play in the delicate and fascinating process of vision.
In our new series "How It Works" Dr. Neil walks us through the function and role of different components of our eyes! Our first topic is the Pupil. Learn what the pupil's role is in the delicate and fascinating process of vision.
Dr. Neil takes us on a tour of his Optometry Exam Chair and all the equipment he uses for a thorough eye exam. As a Developmental Optometrist, Dr. Neil goes beyond a typical 20/20 vision exam and tests many different eye functions and performance. Watch to learn more about this vision evaluation!
Relaxing and resting your eyes is of the utmost importance!
Especially now with the visual demands of the modern classroom and workplace. Dr. Neil has a helpful trick that can help with eye fatigue, dry eyes, and even slow down the progression of a nearsighted prescription.
Motion sickness can be broken down to a communication problem between the Vestibular System and Vision. 🧠👉👀 These two systems must be perfectly synced at a 1 to 1 ratio for us to not feel symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and other discomforts associated with motion sickness.
In many cases, motion sickness is not permanent and can be fixed with the right treatment.
Dr. Neil explains how Vision Therapy helps repair the communication between these two systems allowing those suffering from motion sickness to get back to their normal lives without the fear of their symptoms!
Do you know someone who sees 20/20 but is not comfortable with their vision?
Maybe trouble with reading, balance, or motion sickness? Therapeutic lenses can provide immediate relief to a patient's eyes who are having to work extra hard to work together. 👀
These lenses can allow you to be more successful in Vision Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Physical Therapy by constantly promoting the right way to use your eyes.
If you feel like you can never get the correct prescription, or you have 20/20 vision but your eyes don't feel like they work the way they should, Therapeutic Lenses might be the answer you are looking for!
Still having that daily struggle of getting through reading assignments? Trying everything to encourage reading?
You're exhausted, you know your child is exhausted, they've been complaining of headaches, eyes hurting and sometimes even nausea. You may have even had their eyes checked, but did you know 20/20 vision only matters for vision far away?
Your child may have convergence insufficiency, which could trigger these symptoms. We encourage you to watch this video and try our simple screening test to see if their eyes are not working as a team. If they struggled with this test, we encourage you to call us for a consultation. This could be the first step in ending the nightly battles.
For what feels like the 1,000th time, you’re arguing and begging with your child to complete their reading homework. You just can’t understand why they’re not comprehending what they’re reading, they lose their spot and skip around, and it takes them much longer than it should to complete. Sometimes, their eyes may not be coordinated enough to track word to word accurately.
Join us as we chat with one of our extraordinary patients, Claudia. Hear about what brought her to vision therapy and some of the benefits she has experienced three months into treatment.