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  • THERAPEUTIC LENSES - Beyond a 20/20 Prescription! How They Are Prescribed & Assist in Therapy
    • 12/13/23

    THERAPEUTIC LENSES - Beyond a 20/20 Prescription! How They Are Prescribed & Assist in Therapy

    Do you know someone who sees 20/20 but is not comfortable with their vision?

    Maybe trouble with reading, balance, or motion sickness? Therapeutic lenses can provide immediate relief to a patient's eyes who are having to work extra hard to work together. 👀

    These lenses can allow you to be more successful in Vision Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Physical Therapy by constantly promoting the right way to use your eyes.

    If you feel like you can never get the correct prescription, or you have 20/20 vision but your eyes don't feel like they work the way they should, Therapeutic Lenses might be the answer you are looking for!

  • Convergence Insufficiency: Easy At-Home Screening
    • 12/13/23

    Convergence Insufficiency: Easy At-Home Screening

    Still having that daily struggle of getting through reading assignments? Trying everything to encourage reading?

    You're exhausted, you know your child is exhausted, they've been complaining of headaches, eyes hurting and sometimes even nausea. You may have even had their eyes checked, but did you know 20/20 vision only matters for vision far away?

    Your child may have convergence insufficiency, which could trigger these symptoms. We encourage you to watch this video and try our simple screening test to see if their eyes are not working as a team. If they struggled with this test, we encourage you to call us for a consultation. This could be the first step in ending the nightly battles.

  • Inaccurate Eye Movement Screening
    • 12/13/23

    Inaccurate Eye Movement Screening

    For what feels like the 1,000th time, you’re arguing and begging with your child to complete their reading homework. You just can’t understand why they’re not comprehending what they’re reading, they lose their spot and skip around, and it takes them much longer than it should to complete. Sometimes, their eyes may not be coordinated enough to track word to word accurately.