Oculomotor Dysfunction is a common vision problem that occurs in both children and adults. One can have difficulty making accurate eye movements that can affect reading, sports, balance and depth perception as well as most visually related tasks.
So many of the common signs and symptoms of Dyslexia are often shared with visual dysfunctions, leading to school-aged children often being mislabeled as dyslexic! Or for those who truly have dyslexia, they often have vision problems that make it even harder to overcome their reading disability.
In this video, Dr. Neil walks through how vision affects those with dyslexia, and how treating the visual aspects can make the other symptoms much more manageable.
Vision Therapy can help develop visual skills essential for reading, and up-close work, oftentimes eliminating the need for attention correcting medication in children or adults with ADD/ADHD.
In this video, Dr. Neil breaks down the idea that some symptoms of ADD/ADHD could actually be undiagnosed Learning Related Vision Problems.
Vision should be effortless. If you have been negatively impacted by Post Concussion Syndrome, and find difficulty in mundane tasks like driving, grocery shopping, or reading, Vision Therapy may provide you with solutions.
In this video, Dr. Neil describes different ways a brain injury can impair your vision and how Vision Therapy can get you back to as close to normal as possible through therapeutic lenses, VT activities, and lifestyle modifications.
One eye on target, the other deviated away - This is referred to as Strabismus.
Strabismus is a large umbrella of several types of "eye turns."
When one eye is not on-target, one can struggle with poor depth perception, double vision, and the risk of developing Amblyopia (reduced vision), among others.
Watch as Dr. Neil breaks down how Vision Therapy can be a huge tool to those who want to treat their Strabismus as an alternative to corrective surgery and learn to use both eyes together.
Amblyopia is more than an eye condition; it is a neurological condition that shows up in the eyes. 👀
The brain struggles to use both eyes as a team, but through Vision Therapy and therapeutic lenses or contacts, we can train the brain to use both eyes together.
Some people wear an eye patch to improve amblyopia. Patching has been around for 1100 years - we can do so much better than that now!
If you or your child have recently been diagnosed with Amblyopia, or you have lived with this your whole life and want some answers...this video is a great place to start your research!
About 2-3 students in every classroom have a visual dysfunction called Convergence Insufficiency!
This means they have trouble making their eyes turn inwards on a page and move together as a team. Convergence Insufficiency can make daily tasks like reading and homework very difficult, leading to frustration and avoidance in school-aged children📚
Reading may even hurt, causing headaches, eyestrain, and visual fatigue. Do you know a child who might be struggling with this issue?
A Learning Related Vision Problem might be the reason your child is behind in school. Watch to learn more!
The American Optometric Association reports 1 in 4 students suffer from learning-related vision problems. Dr. Neil breaks-down the concept of Learning Related Vision Problems, one of the most common visual dysfunctions we treat at EagleEye!
80% of what we learn in school comes through our visual sense - more than all other senses combined!
When you have an “L.R.V.P.” the demands of our very up-close world become even more difficult. Watch to see how LRVPs can be treated through Vision Therapy.