Has ADHD testing been recommended for your child? Are you concerned about their behavior and suspect ADHD? Have you noticed any of the following signs or symptoms?
Loses concentration during reading but can focus on something more fun like a video game or sports
Restless, irritable, and short attention span with reading
Disturbs others in class, especially during reading or writing activities
Bumps into things, trips, falls, unaware of surroundings
Hates to read, but likes to be read to by teacher/parents
Learning problems continue, even after starting medication
If you can say yes to any of the above signs or symptoms we recommend attending this workshop! Did you know, 80% of ADD/ADHD symptoms overlap that of a functional vision problem? If your child has passed a vision screening; but still has these signs and symptoms, a vision problem, unrelated to 20/20 far away, could still be present.
Join us during this virtual event to discuss your concerns with our developmental optometrist, Neil Renaud OD, FAAO, FCOVD. You'll learn how vision could be playing a key role in your child's suspected ADHD and simple ways you can screen from home.
Have questions, call us, we're happy to help!